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ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Certificate A new achievement crowned by the College

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his pure family and his faithful companions...
With God’s blessing, we have entrusted the creation of this scientific edifice, which is a qualitative addition to the scientific and educational institutions that the people of Maysan Governorate seek. and during the short period in which our young college was established and nurtured, the administrative and scientific cadres were able to lay the correct scientific foundations for building a college specialized in engineering and humanities. The sequence of time and circumstances among the universities and private colleges of Iraq according to the evaluation of the Ministry of Higher Education, despite the short period of time in which the college was established, and that the college obtained the ISO 9001 certificate or the international quality and standards system issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) after meeting the conditions Required to obtain this certificate, hoping that this certificate will motivate everyone to move the project to the top Levels of quality and good performance to obtain outputs of interest in building our dear homeland, and God bless.
Dr. Hamid Hassan Taher
Dean of Al-Amarah University College


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